
Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter EGGstravaganza!

Happy Easter!

The boy makes the strangest faces, both on and off camera!

I hope you've all had a lovely day, filled with lots of fun and chocolate! ;) As the above poster/invite suggests, we had an Easter EGGstravaganza to go to today! First though, chocolate in the form of mini eggs...

And an Easter Egg Hunt at my sister's house...

Toby was so proud of himself for "hiding" this row of eggs!!

We also exchanged some Easter eggs while we there. My Dad went shopping at Hotel Chocolat, yum!

Super thick egg for Liam and I to share - can't wait to open this later!!
Eggs my sisters gave to the children
Izzy's egg from Dad
Dad decided to wrap Toby's egg up in his scarf?!!!

After a while, we left Sarah's house and went to my Mum's for the "Eggstravaganza"...

Probably the only "running reference" you'll see on the blog, haha, my Mum and Colin's magnets from last year's London marathon!

We decorated hard boiled eggs...

My Grandma popped over to say hi (not really egg related, but hey ho!)...

And then we ate omelettes (mushroom and goats cheese for me, cheddar and ham for the others)...

and mini creme egg filled brownies...

This was my second attempt at making the brownies. I used my normal fudgy brownie recipe, but the first time I doubled the batch and put the mini creme eggs in the middle of the two layers. Despite cooking them for double the usual amount of cooking time, they never set up...

They were still just about edible, but not quite what I'd imagined. I'd been planning to put them into little bags to give as Easter gifts which obviously wasn't possible!!

I now feel completely chocolated out and I haven't even eaten that much chocolate today - we haven't opened any of our eggs yet and we certainly do have a lot of them...!

Toby's eggs...

and Izzy's...

And Liam and I have the two eggs in the middle to share. So much chocolate!! Liam's family are going to be arriving any minute now also, no doubt with more eggs for the children. We are very lucky to have so many relatives who we see and who want to give the children (and us) chocolate...but it does get a bit ridiculous. Last year we were still eating up Easter eggs well into August!!!

Have you eaten lots of chocolate today? Or done anything else to celebrate Easter if you celebrate it? Whilst I do, of course, love chocolate, the thing I love most about occasions like Easter is getting together with all the family members. I see my family quite regularly, but we hardly ever see Liam's family so it will be nice to see them this afternoon. I also love watching Izzy have fun - she must have hidden those little eggs at least 7 or 8 times, for different people to find, or other people hid them for her to find. She was so excited! Oh to still see the world through a child's eyes!!


  1. Wow, that's so much chocolate! I was also lucky enough to receive one of those giant hotel chocolat eggs. Have you looked inside... The egg is so thick! Atleast you won't have to buy any treats for the kids for the foreseeable future, and perhaps you could use some of the choccy for baking purposes :)

  2. I think family occasions like that are just lovely, especially with young children. We are out for a meal later (but for Andy's birthday) with his family- parents, brothers and their girlfriends, and it will be fantastic I am sure. We don't tend to buy eggs (although when I was little I used to be given some)- my Dad gave us a rake this year as an Easter gift (we need one for the allotment) and I did get two small boxes of Montezuma's eggs to share (although we have not opened them yet). I made your brownie recipe today :)

  3. Wow that is a lot of chocolate! I used to only get 1 or 2 eggs when I was younger and got easter gifts or money instead. I did get a dark chocolate lindt bunny this year, although he has gone already...melted in my porridge each morning ha! I did open it on Wednesday though, which admittedly is before Easter, but I am flying back to Dublin tomorrow and wasn't able to fit it in my holdall!

  4. I haven't eaten lots of chocolate but I have eaten lots of sugar in the for of cupcakes and cinnamon cake thingie (blog post to follow on THAT one :-)
    Love the EGGstravaganza at grannies house, brilliant.

  5. It's nice to come across another blog written by a blogger who enjoys food and has kiddies!! Wow, that is a lot of chocolate, however it was actually the omelette that made my mouth water (I love savoury over sweet)!

  6. That is a lot of chocolate! The egg hunt looks like so much fun. I used to love them when I was younger!

  7. Looks like you had a lovely day, the Hotel Chocolat eggs are normally really good yum, especially the extra thick ones..unfortunately i wasnt able to have any loaded with cold and have had food poisoning so no easter chocolate for me..wahh!
