
Tuesday 3 April 2012

French Toast & Ice Cream...

...a random title for a random post...!

Hello! Long time no speak write! I had a friend here for part of the weekend so I haven't spent much time by my laptop. It also means I have quite a lot to share with you, but so as not to turn this into a super long post, I've decided to use Sunday (the most well-documented day) for my WIAW post, so I will catch up on the rest of the days today. Well, the only photos I took yesterday were for my Cookie Exchange post which needs to wait until Ffion receives her cookies, so today will be mainly looking at Saturday (and Friday?) Phew, longest ramble ever anyone?! ;)

Shall we start with an outfit of the day??! Not something I normally do, but I figured that I would (try to) take a photo of myself when I wear one of my new tops as the shopping photos didn't really do them justice. This was one of the tops from M&S:

I wore this to the beach (twice!) on Friday - the perfect length for sitting on the rocks drinking iced coffees and then later in the day sitting on the pebbles eating chips...bliss...if only the weather hadn't changed for the school holidays!!

Because of the trips to the beach - without camera - I've only got one food photo from Friday. It was a good one though! I've been loving French toast recently and on Friday I decided to make a savoury sandwich version for lunch. This was a houmous and cucumber sandwich, then dipped in two scrambled eggs and pan-fried...

There was possibly a bit too much egg, but I loved it. It stayed together really well and being egg-fried made the bread extra moist. New favourite!

I also had French toast the next (Saturday) morning too...

This time with more traditional toppings - just sliced banana and frozen blueberries that I defrosted/cooked slightly in the microwave with a little stevia.

On Friday night I went over to my Mum's house to help Colin babysit Theo as Mum had already made plans to go out. Theo is 3 months old now but weighs the same as Toby did when he was born, so cute! He took a little while to get to sleep but from 7.45pm he slept perfectly til Mum got home at 10.45 so it was a really peaceful evening. Mum had bought me a meal from M&S (and a 2 pack of chocolate eclairs that quickly got gobbled by me and Liam when I got home, before the camera had a chance to get proof of their existence!!) but as I'd had chips and a veggie burger on the beach at about 5.30pm I didn't get hungry to eat again. I had the meal for lunch on Saturday instead...

Despite having halloumi in the title, I could find no evidence of it in the dish. The rest of it was tasty though, and it had a neat design to allow it all to cook properly in the microwave - the spicy tomato sauce was in the bottom of the bowl and then their was a black card insert with wholes all over it, which the veggies and grains cooked on top of it. And then once cooked you removed the insert and mixed it all together. I thought it was a bit different anyway.

On Saturday afternoon I went to Waitrose with my sister. The usual big shop, plus a few extras. Lots of ice cream!

I'd seen the YooMoo frozen yoghurts on Maria's blog, so picked some of them up as soon as I spotted them (haven't tried them yet but will do soon!)...

And I bought the Ben & Jerry's because I had a friend, Sarah, staying Sunday - Monday. As if I needed an excuse for ice cream anyway! ;)

Needless to say this is all gone now. I had the raspberry white chocolate one...delicious...the bitter dark chocolate fudge core went perfectly with the creamy ice cream, mmm!

The other thing I bought in Waitrose to try was this popcorn:

This is pretty expensive for what it is - normal popcorn just with sugar and salt as far as I could tell. Tasty yes, convenient yes, but expensive. Having said that I might buy another pack on Thursday as Liam and I are going to the cinema (whoop!) and this will still be a lot cheaper than buying popcorn or ice cream when we get there!

Right, I think I will end this post there. No idea what we ate for dinner on Saturday - I haven't photographed it - and as I said I will write about Sunday tomorrow. Gah, this is what happens when I leave it too long before posting - I have too many things to write about and not enough time to write them in! I was going to write about today in this post as well, but my Uncle is visiting my Grandma this evening so I am going over there to see him in a minute. Easter holidays = very nice, very welcome break, but even busier than usual!

How was your weekend? Are you off this week, or for a 4 day weekend around Easter? When Liam worked at Waitrose last year, he had to work some of the holiday weekend so he's very happy to have lots of time off this year. In fact he's used some holiday so he's off from this Thursday - next Wednesday which will be nice. I just wish the weather would pick up again - he's been jealous of all our trips to the beach/park etc, so it would be nice if he could experience that with us as well!


  1. love the top! so cute. i really want french toast now!

    1. Thank you! :) Mmm, yes me too, haha, I could happily eat french toast at least once a day!

  2. You look fantastic in that top :-)

    Working long weekends is really not great (I used to as well), much better to have them off to spend time with family.

    1. Thank you! :)

      Yes, I used to hate working long weekends too. I remember when I was pregnant with Izzy I worked in a bar and ended up working Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, and then Valentine's Day, Easter weekend etc...they seemed to think that because I was pregnant I wouldn't have anything better to do!!

  3. That top is lovely- it really suits you.
    I hope you like the frozen yoghurt- the strawberry was my fave as I liked the strawberry topping too. I have seen they do a tropical one but they didn't have that in the shops.
    We are off to Bath for a couple of days- we were going to go away for the week (as it is Andy's birthday) but I didn't fancy that long as I was worried about being tired and wasting the time, so a couple of days will be good. Then we have a meal out with his family for his birthday, then he is off to more football on the Monday while I make his cake! Sounds great!

    1. Thank you :) My sister picked it out, she has much better taste than me!!

      Yes, I wanted to try the tropical frozen yoghurt too, but Waitrose don't seem to sell it.

      Have a great time in Bath, take it easy - lots of eating, not too much walking! ;) Easier said than done I know, agree a week would have probably been too long. I have to make a birthday cake for my Mum on Sunday/Monday too, haven't decided what I'm making yet though!
