
Sunday 22 April 2012

Grandma's Birthday Cream Tea

Hello! Have you all had a good weekend? We had a really quiet day today which was lovely, good to recharge our batteries. The children both slept for 2+ hours this afternoon which was just what they needed!

Yesterday was slightly busier though - in the afternoon we went out with both my sisters and my Grandparents for cream tea as it was my Grandma's birthday.

I was actually the only person who had a traditional cream tea. Everyone else had cakes or scones with butter/jam. I can't resist some clotted cream though, and the scones were really fresh, mmm! :)

Happy birthday Grandma!

Despite appearances, Grandma did know I was taking the above photo, but chose not to do an Izzy smile! My Grandpa on the other hand was quite eager to have his picture taken...!!

After we had all finished eating, the others all left and we spent some time playing in the gardens by the cafe. We were really lucky with the weather, it has been odd all weekend - sunny one minute, hailing the next - but it was sunny and relatively warm whilst we were outside, then started hailing just as we got in the car!! The children had a great time running around and looking at all the flowers...

We let Izzy run ahead to play hide & seek (ie she "hid" somewhere along the path that we were going anyway) - she was always so surprised and excited at being found!!

Semi-ok photo with me in it...well, the best of at least 10 attempts anyway!!

Izzy had fun running along with Toby, holding his hand to show him which way to go...too cute!

And then Toby decided he needed a nap! He does this a lot at home - just lies down on the floor/sofa and starts pretend snoring. We're not quite sure where he first picked it up from, but now he does it because he knows it makes us laugh - he loves the attention!!

And a final posing photo of Izzy...I can't think why my children are so used to/love being photographed so much...!! ;)

It was a really fun afternoon. Toby was a little challenging when we were inside the cafe, but as soon as we got out in the gardens he had a great time. He just likes to be able to run around and do whatever he likes!!

What was the best thing you did this weekend? Saturday afternoon was definitely my favourite part. We did also go to Sainsbury's for a big shop on Saturday morning - our new fridge/freezer is now fully stocked! :-D


  1. It looks like you had a lovely time- yum to the scones :)
    We had a nice relaxing weekend in York- going out for breakfast was such a treat :)

  2. Yes, the scones are really good, all the cakes are amazing there as well, but such big portions that I end up getting sick of them halfway through! Scones are better portion sizes :)

    Glad you had a lovely weekend in York. I love going out for breakfast too (without the children!!) feels so luxurious :)
