
Monday 30 April 2012

Raspberry Chocolate Orange Porridge {Recipe}

When Toby life chucks a smoothie at you...

Mean Mummy taking a photo...I had to laugh or I'd have cried as well!!

make porridge instead... (luckily there was enough smoothie left in the jug for Izzy and Toby, so I made this porridge for me when I had more time after the school run!)

Raspberry Chocolate Orange Porridge
(serves 1)
  • 35g oats (feel free to increase the oats and milk quantity - this is my Slimming World amount!)
  • 175ml milk (next time I would use the juice from the orange as part of the liquid)
  • 100g frozen raspberries
  • approx 20g cocoa powder (adjust to taste)
  • stevia/sugar, to taste
  • 1 tbsp chocolate orange spread (or just chocolate spread if you haven't been to Sainsbury's!)
  • zest of half an orange
I cook my porridge in the microwave, but you can make it on the stove if you've got more patience. Just mix the oats, milk/juice, raspberries, cocoa powder and sweetener together and cook until the porridge has reached your desired consistency.
Top with the chocolate orange spread and orange zest, and enjoy.

This isn't exactly a complex recipe is it?! But it was such a delicious combination that I wanted to record it so that I remember to make it again. Plus I needed something good to come out of the blender incident - not the greatest start to Monday morning!

I normally refuse to make smoothies for breakfast on school day mornings as in my head it takes too long to make/eat. But as the chocolate pb banana smoothie doesn't have any frozen fruit in it, I figured it would be quicker. Unfortunately I made the fatal error of taking the lid off to taste it, deciding it needed to be sweeter so going to the cupboard to get some maple syrup (all out of agave, sad times!), and in those few seconds Toby decided to press the 'pulse' button, getting smoothie everywhere!! As you can from the photo, he clearly shocked himself as well, poor little guy! I nearly didn't take a photo/post it as it did feel a bit mean, but I had the camera there already so it only took a second and, like I said, if I didn't laugh/turn it into a blog post so that there was some "point" to it, I'd have cried too!

I sent my Mum a text after I'd calmed Toby down, and her response was "the morning can only get better" but no, next minute - while I was tying Izzy's hair up - Toby decided to pour the whole glass of Liam's squash on to the carpet. Aaargh!! Bless him, he had conjunctivitis last week and he still isn't quite himself...well, either that or the 'terrible twos' have well and truly hit!!

Any other Monday morning disaster stories to share? Go on, writing it down might make you feel better!! I always struggle on Mondays to get back into routine after the weekend, and little "set-backs" like this one definitely don't help! Miraculously we still just made it to school in time to change Izzy's books before registration - success! And now Toby is having a nap, maybe the day really will start getting better!! ;-)


  1. Oh dear poor you (and poor Toby)- well I had an awful start to the morning- I didn't sleep well, was up early and ready to leave early, but then the traffic was so bad that I was at a standstill for half an hour (my journey is usually 20 mins in the mornings) and had to go a different way, got lost for a bit, got stuck in more traffic and got to work at quarter to nine! Not a good start to the morning! Hopefully the week will get better!

    1. Oh no! Sounds like your morning was much worse than mine! :( Hope this morning was better!

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