
Thursday 19 April 2012

Thursday Things

Hello! Only one more day to go until the weekend! :) This week actually feels really short to me as Izzy didn't go back to school until Tuesday, and it's going even faster as I have so many things to get sorted now that she is back!

I feel like I have lots of little things which are currently taking up too much space in my brain (!), so a random bullet point style post today, and then I'll be back with my second post about Exeter Food Festival tomorrow.

1. I found out yesterday that Body Pump is coming to my local gym! So exciting. I went once at a gym about half an hour away, but the classes are only in the evenings so not that convenient to get to by the time Liam gets home from work. It will be great to be able to start it up again. What with Boot Camp on Thursdays, one day a week gym/swim while Toby is in creche, and soon Body Pump, I'll almost have a "proper" workout schedule on my hands!

2. I discovered today that one of my friends & I have even more in common. I already knew that we have children the same age - she has boys the year above and below Izzy, and then she has a girl the same age as Toby - they adore each other, so cute! I also knew that we both loved going to Costa for coffee and cake, having picnics on the beach with the children etc etc. But what I didn't know until today was that she's interested in some of the "weird" blog type foods too! We were walking to town together and she started talking about how she'd made sundried tomatoes yesterday using a low oven temp, and how she wanted to make Gwyneth Paltrow's brownies using spelt flour and brown rice syrup. She also uses the Planet Organic website. It was so nice to discuss all the different ingredients with someone in the "real world"! We went to the health food shop where she got spelt flour, brown rice syrup and agave nectar, and I picked up some nutritional yeast flakes (which I needed) and some vegetarian jelly crystals to try:

And then we went to Costa for lattes and raspberry white chocolate muffins. Win win.

3. I seem to be drinking more and more tea recently. Particularly this one:

The good news is that, unlike regular tea, I enjoy drinking this without sugar. It stops me feeling guilty about drinking half a box of it in the last few days! It feels like lots of bloggers have been discussing their love of tea recently. When I read Maria's post the other day I had to stop myself immediately jumping on iHerb to order all the more unusual teas! I'm telling myself that drinking lots of tea is better than the same amount of coffee (which seems to give me a tummy ache if I drink more than 1 or 2 cups a day), so please don't tell me otherwise, okay? ;)

4. Liam was feeling envious of all the children's Easter eggs, so when I saw that Thornton's had some reduced a couple of days ago I decided to buy him one.

We didn't exactly need any more chocolate, but it made him happy! :)

5. Making packed lunches without a fridge is not easy. Leftover Easter chocolate, juice cartons and pots of dry cereal have been my friends...

...but I will definitely be glad when our new fridge arrives tomorrow. I can't wait to go shopping to fill it back up!

6. Most exciting (to me) news last... we're moving house in 6 weeks! I have already mentioned it in the comments section of one or two other blogs, but I didn't want to write it on here until we'd let our landlord know. I'm so excited! Our new house is actually owned by my Mum (she kept hold of it when she moved in with Colin in January) so whilst we will still be renting, it will hopefully be a much more long-term home so I'm looking forward to making it more "us". Feel free to send any home decor links my way! I loved Laura's post on cheap home style - I'll definitely be using the shoe rack trick as whilst our new kitchen is bigger, it has less storage space. I can't wait to move in, but we have lots of packing and sorting to do in the old house first which is a bit daunting...I don't know where to start!

Right, that is me done I think. I've written most of this post one handed as I have a tired Toby cuddling in my lap! I'm off to Beach Body Boot Camp this evening with my sister so about an hour ago I had a bowl of banana porridge topped with loads of maple cinnamon peanut flour sauce and a couple of pieces of Easter chocolate:

All swirled together this tasted amazing! Hopefully it will keep me going until I can eat dinner about 8.30pm.

Have you moved house many times before? Any tips?? I've moved house quite a bit over the years. We lived in the same house until I was 10 but then moved around every few years when I was younger. This new house will be the 5th flat/house I've lived in since having Izzy. One tip I did pick up a few years ago was to stack plates on their sides in the boxes. My sister helped me pack up my flat in Winchester and we'd wrapped all the plates in newspaper and put them in the box in piles as you would do in the cupboard. The removal guy took one look at them and said that if one smashed they all would, which does make sense of course. Oops. The last couple of moves we've just hired a van and done the move ourselves with the help of mine and Liam's families (luckily Liam has a strong brother so he & Liam do most of the furniture moving!) which is what we'll be doing again this time...need to get organised!


  1. So much exciting news- about body pump, about moving house, about finding a friend with similar interests :) And about the tea! Tea is much lower in caffeine than coffee, and I think unless you get palpitations from the caffeine then it is OK anyway. That tea looks fab- they do a rooibos chai which I love, and usually have at work.
    Hope the move goes well- I moved once when I was younger, and then once in with Andy (and as we were both moving out of parents' houses we did it bit by bit)- so I have no tips except to write on the boxes what is in them, and also where they need to go. We lived out of suitcases for weeks before we built the wardrobe and drawers and it was so annoying trying to find things!

  2. Good luck with your move. I don't have any tips as I moved straight from my parents house into mine so only had a bedrooms worth of stuff to move. Moving an entire house is really daunting with all the things I have gathered over the years!

  3. So much news, its really exciting to be moving in to a more permanent home and I bet mom lets you do loads of settling in decorating. And a big UP form me for body pump, I just stated up with it again and I'm LOVING it :-) Don;t get me wrong, its Thursday and I'M still sore from Monday nights class teeheehee

  4. That's exciting news! Good luck with the move! I've just recently moved to Dublin from the UK, which has been a pretty massive upheaval, however we are all settled in and unpacked now, and enjoying our new home!
