
Monday 28 May 2012

65th Birthday BBQ

As requested, I made him lots of brownies and rocky road!

Happy Birthday Colin!

And my Grandma made him a coffee cake :)

We celebrated the special birthday a day early with a BBQ yesterday.

This was the best photo I got of Colin, ha, he does not like the camera!!



and delicious food...

...equals a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Have you had any BBQs yet this year? Favourite meat-free things to cook? This was actually our 2nd BBQ this weekend - we went to one on Friday evening as well! On Friday, my friend had only decided on a BBQ a couple of hours before, so I just took a box of veggie burgers with me. Yesterday though, Mum made stuffed peppers which were really tasty. I also just love all the salads too - the beetroot, feta and walnut one Mum made yesterday was amazing! :)


  1. Happy Birthday (belated) to Colin- agreed chilling out with family is a perfect way to spend a Sunday. I don't like veggie burgers that much, so I prefer all the salad things you get- oooh and a barbaqued banana with some chocolate buttons in it- yum :)

  2. It looks like an amazing day had by all xx I had Jared do me a BBQ yesterday from building the fire to cooking the lamb chops .... he's 8 I wasERY impressed :-)
    Favourite meat free thing to cook (as I could have it as a stand alone meal) is the dahl I made tonight - posted on my blog.

  3. Loving the look of all the yummy bbq food! I really wanted to have one but no one i know has a good bbq :(
