
Sunday 20 May 2012

Two Weeks To Go! {Moving House}

This weekend it's almost felt like we've moved house! Although sadly it was only the tip of the iceberg...the real thing isn't happening for another 2 weeks! Let's talk about moving fuel first anyway. We've been out of the house lots, and not having a lot of time to think about cooking so meals have not been great, and lots of things have not been photographed. This is what I've got though!

Lots and lots of coffee has been needed this weekend. I've started drinking normal instant coffee which makes it a lot easier. I always used to either drink lattes using instant coffee (ie heating a mug of milk first) or use my coffee machine to make a pot. I still do prefer those ways but instant coffee is growing on me, with lots of sugar and milk of course!

Veggie Percy Pigs - as you can see by the nearly empty bag when I took the photo, I loved these! Thanks to Emma for first introducing me to them - if I hadn't seen them on her blog I'd never have gone looking for them! They have a green ear to confirm that they are veggie, cute!

Saturday lunch felt very "American" to me - tomato soup and cheese on toast grilled cheese!

I'm planning to write a post soon on a few parcels I've received recently, and one of them was from American Sweets - lots of American treats for me and Liam to enjoy! I've actually taken these, and another box full of unopened foods over to the new house already (I'm trying to make our current house look a little tidier before they start holding viewings to find new tenants!)...

...but when we were at the new house today, Toby opened one of the bars I was most looking forward to, so of course I had to eat it...

This lived up to expectations - amazing!

By the time we got home to our house this evening, it was too late, and we were too tired, to think about dinner. Takeaway curry it was! Vegetable Korma, Saag Aloo and Pilau rice, plus unpictured Naan bread & poppadoms...

I ate all this and felt so full afterwards...not the best idea - no more packing has got done tonight as all I'm capable of is lying on the sofa!! Oh well, it provided good motivation to actually write a vague meal plan of dinners for the next 2 weeks, to make sure we don't 'need' takeaway again until at least moving day!

Right, food photos over, here are a few photos I took at the new house. The main achievement today was Liam and his Dad building a fence! It went from this...

to this...

Pretty!! :)

and was clearly needed to prevent the children from going any further than this...! ;)

Liam also had plans to build a larder today, but sadly so far that has only gone from this...

to this...

It'll get there! At least he has all the wood and equipment, now he just needs to find time and someone to be his second pair of hands!

Other pictures that I randomly snapped... Please ignore the cleaning products in some of these - my Mum and sister have been doing a great job of clearing and cleaning this weekend!

Most important room is obviously the kitchen...

There will be plenty of space for our table and chairs in the kitchen too, yey, one of my "wish list" things for a house has been to fit my table in the kitchen! (and that dishwasher is another...cannot wait to not have to do washing up all the time!!)

The kitchen leads out to the garden which is another bonus of this house - much more child-friendly than our current one, and a great sun trap too! :)

There are a couple of other rooms downstairs - the "middle room" which, as we'll have our table in the kitchen, doesn't really have a purpose, and the sitting room which currently looks pretty much the same as it will when we move in - our amazingly comfy, but really old, sofas won't fit through the doors in the new house (sob!) so Mum is letting us keep the sofas that are currently there...

Upstairs we have Toby's bedroom...

Will have lots more furniture and different curtains etc when we move in

a bathroom, then Izzy's bedroom which is where we're currently storing all the boxes etc that we took up today...

Izzy happened to be wearing a tiara today (!) so loved sitting on the "princess chair", although it will actually be in our bedroom once we move in as it is Mum's and she doesn't want it getting destroyed by the children!

Our bedroom is currently the emptiest room in the house...

with a little en suite off of it - luxury!

Up some more stairs, there is the top bedroom which used to be my little sister's and will now be the spare room/toy room/place for Dad to stay when he comes to visit...

This was actually the children's favourite room to play in today - they loved the soft toys in the corner!

Right, that is house photos done for today I think! Apologies if they don't really interest you...I am super excited (if also slightly panicked!) about the move so photos of the moving process and/or finished rooms may crop up a few more times! ;) But in 2-3 weeks we will hopefully be all settled in and back to normal!

What is your favourite room in your house? Or the most important room on a house "wish list"? Definitely the kitchen for me. I remember when we moved house quite a few times as a child, having a big kitchen was always a priority for Mum - to the extent that she knocked through walls a few times to get more kitchen space! Since leaving home, I've never had a kitchen big enough to fit a table in before, so I am really looking forward to that. It will be so nice to be able to cook while the children do colouring at the table etc, and I'm also looking forward to having a dishwasher for the first time - hate hate hate doing washing up!!


  1. Looks like youre having a lovely time moving into your new place! That box of american goodies looks amazing! Glad you enjoyed your butter finger :)

  2. Looks lovely! Bet you can't wait to be all settled in now!

  3. If you cant get the sofa's through the door you can try getting them through the window. It sounds bizarre but thats what we did when we moved !!

  4. How exciting! That house is huge (what a fantastic kitchen) and what a lovely garden too.
    I would love a bigger kitchen- we only have a small house- 2 bedrooms (although one has Andy's computer and desk and things, so it is really his room still!) and our kitchen is very small indeed- we only have 4 half-cupboards to store things in, so it does overflow into the fridge, shelves, and the living room!
    Not long to go now anyway :)

  5. Oh wow, your new place looks incredible! How exciting x

  6. You must be so excited about having moved into your new home!

  7. Moving maybe daunting, but you made it pretty relaxing with all the necessary preparations. Good job!
