
Wednesday 2 May 2012

WIAW - Sunshine At Last

Hello! Happy What I Ate Wednesday!

Thanks as always to Jenn for giving me structure to my week... I can't believe it's May already!

Yesterday was actually the first sunny day we'd had in ages! I woke up fancying a smoothie, but after Monday's disaster I didn't want to risk making it before the school run, so kept my appetite at bay with a hot drink instead...

Despite the mug, this was actually chai tea - one of my favourite hot drinks at the moment. The mug is a new purchase though so I can't resist using it at every opportunity! :)

School run over, I came home to make a pretty and delicious smoothie...

PB & J Smoothie
(makes 1 large bowl)
  • 1 banana
  • 250ml milk
  • 200g frozen raspberries
  • 30g peanut flour
  • few drops vanilla stevia/agave, to taste
I topped mine with a little bit of granola. It didn't really need any toppings but I like a bit of crunch. I loved this. I've been having peanut flour/banana/cocoa powder smoothies quite a lot recently. This version, with frozen raspberries instead of cocoa powder, was a fruity thicker version. The frozen raspberries gave this perfect eat-from-a-bowl thickness without the need for any xanthan gum. Perfect way to start a (hopefully) summery May!!

Lunch, a few hours later, was a bit of a random one. I couldn't decide what I wanted, but the felt the need for some protein and didn't want to put a lot of effort in. Enter veggie burgers, scrambled eggs with nutritional yeast, corn on the cobs and an orange for dessert:

This was actually surprisingly tasty. Hot food, which I wanted, but not too heavy.

Izzy was a bit upset when I dropped her at school yesterday morning (because I'd mentioned to her teacher that it is Nan's funeral today) so I decided to cheer her up with sugar when I picked her up in the afternoon. Not actually needed as she came bouncing out as usual, but the occasional doughnut can only be a good thing right?! ;)

Look at those sugary fingers!!

My only regret is that I didn't buy a third doughnut for myself, but I did end up eating about half of Toby's!!

When we got home we decided to make the most of the sunshine by going out in the garden, and Izzy persuaded me to open the box of ice pops... Cola (yuck, not a flavour I would choose!!) for Izzy:

Strawberry for Toby:

And raspberry for me:

I so hope this sunny weather is here to stay! Somehow doubt it though, good old British weather!!

After having the ice pop, I was still in the mood for something cold, so I made myself an iced latte...

This was a bit stronger than I usually make - I put almost a tbsp of instant coffee in a little hot water with some vanilla stevia, then poured that over iced milk. I like my iced coffee a lot stronger and sweeter than my hot coffee!

Dinner last night was a bit bland if I'm honest. I was lacking in inspiration but had some peppers that needed using. I also found out, after I'd started cooking, that we'd run out of passata which didn't help. I cooked some quinoa in veg stock and then fried some garlic, chopped peppers, added a tin of chopped tomatoes and some frozen broad beans. The others topped their meals with grated cheddar, but I stuck to nutritional yeast...

Meh. I tried to improve the meal by eating the orange stevia chocolate bar, but that wasn't very nice either! I gave up after that and just had my usual glass of squash before going to bed.

What was the best thing that you ate today? And what are your favourite things to do when the sun is out? Trips to to the park/beach or even just the garden, accompanied by ice cream and/or iced lattes definitely = summer to me!! :)


  1. I must say I am taking each sun filled day as it comes and enjoying it :-)

  2. My "best" is a greek yogurt and cottage cheese combo with a variety of toppings. Yum!

    When it's sunny? Anything outside. Run. Go for a walk. Read a book.

    [Fitness, Health and Happiness]

  3. I LOVE that mug! I want one for myself:-).

  4. PB & J smoothie! Awesomeness. Definitely gonna make that asap.

  5. MMM I love peanut flour in smoothies :)
    Sitting in the garden is the best when it is sunny, or of course if you live bear the seaside going for a walk along the sea.
    Glad the sun is shining for you :)

  6. I have the cupcake version of the mug, it's so awesome, I need the coffee one too.

    We've had no sunshine here all week :( it's not going to stop me raiding the freezer for an ice pop in a second though x

  7. Your breakfast smoothie looks so good! I love that you topped it with granola.. I love doing that, too! :) I'm a big fan of the PB&J combo, so I know I would love that smoothie!

    Have a great weekend!
