
Friday 10 August 2012

Folk Week Fun

I have way too many photos to share from this week, but I'm a little pushed for time - I'm going away for the weekend in the morning so need to pack, and want to get an early night in too as Liam and I went out last night and had a little bit too much to drink, urgh, I felt so rough this morning but just tired now! Anyway, here are some of the photos my camera and phone have captured from this week - folk week is certainly a lot busier than the other 51 weeks of the year!!

There has been folky dancing...

Circus tricks...

and maypole dancing...

Plus lots of delicious food. Mainly in the form of cheese & sweetcorn pancakes for the children...

with Nutella & marshmallows as a change/treat filling for the last pancakes today...

I also had a pancake when we went out last night...

an Olympic special filled with fresh strawberries and blueberries, whipped cream and golden syrup...

This was divine, albeit very messy to eat!! The rest of the week I have been eating lots of food from the vegan food van - my favourite, I am so glad to see this each year!! On Tuesday I had the pitta bread with 13 ingredient "Goodness salad", falafel, houmous and tahini...

I love this pitta, but it is so difficult to eat that the rest of the week I stuck to having just the salad topped with houmous...

I love this salad so much, it is advertised as having 13 ingredients - grated carrot, raisins, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds, red cabbage, chopped tomato, at least 3 or 4 different types of green leaves... that makes 10 or 11 ingredients I think so there must be a few other things in there too!

We've also had some nice drinks in the form of lemonade from the fresh lemonade stand...

and a few too many glasses of Pimms and lemonade last night....

Despite feeling slightly worse for wear this morning, we headed into town again today for one last trip to the festival. Pancakes/salads for lunch as above, and then Izzy had her hair braided on the sea front...

This looks just like the braids I used to get done as a little girl - same colours, patterns etc!

We also went to a craft fair type marquee which Mum had told me also had a stall of Italian pastries and other foods hidden in the corner. We came home with bags of chocolate covered honeycomb and sweet chilli peanuts for Liam, a bag of chocolate coated sunflower seeds and 3 little pastries for me and (unpictured) fudge for the children.

Mmm, so good! The filo pastry on the right was filled with lemon cream, and the one on the left - my favourite - was filled with zabaglione (Italian custard). The middle one was a ball of lemon flavoured cake, which was a little dry, definitely not as good as the other two but still quite tasty!

Once we got back from town, the rest of today was spent at home. The children played with the bubble gun that Izzy bought in Butlins with some of her birthday money...

and when Toby had his nap Izzy and Liam painted a clock that Izzy was given for her birthday (thanks Auntie Vicki if you're reading this, so pretty!)...

A fun end to folk week. It'll be interesting to see which part Izzy remembers most. At the start of the week her main memory from last year was the cheese and sweetcorn pancakes. Last year me, Izzy and Toby shared one pancake and one falafel pitta between the three of us for our lunch, so on Tuesday we naively thought that Izzy and Toby would share a pancake between them. No chance! They had a cheese & sweetcorn pancake each on Tuesday and Wednesday, day off yesterday and then the chocolatey ones today! Liam had a Nutella, marshmallow and biscuit pancake last night - which probably wins the prize for messiest pancake - but the rest of the week he has mainly chosen to have the pittas with salad and falafel...further proof that they are truly delicious!! :)

Anyway, enough rambling - I need to chuck some clothes in a suitcase and then get some much needed sleep! Have a great weekend everyone!