
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Izzy!

Happy birthday Izzy! Hard to believe that it has been 6 years since these photos were taken...

and now she's just as beautiful (if slightly messy yesterday!) but a lot bigger...!!

We celebrated Izzy's birthday with "the family" a bit early, with a birthday brunch at Mum's beach hut on Saturday.

Mum provided a delicious fruit platter...

and I made banana muffins...

and strawberry coconut muffins (my favourite!)

Izzy opened a few presents...

and then she and Olivia braved the cold sea to go body boarding!

Izzy had such a fantastic time, apart from when she got sea water in her mouth anyway!!

After Izzy had dried off a bit, it was time for cake! Because of Liam and my sisters' *ahem* slightly fussy tastes, I had to keep the cake pretty simple - vanilla sponge with chocolate butter icing...

but with a slight surprise of a pink inside - just pink food colouring paste, but Izzy thought it was so cool!!

Later in the day on Saturday Izzy had another party to go to, this time for a friend's birthday. She got dressed up in her new dress (thanks Auntie Sarah!) and at the party they each made a necklace and a bracelet (plus she won the pass the parcel prize, which is the brush/comb set she's holding up)...

All in all, a fantastic party/early birthday day!

Today we are off to Paignton Zoo, at the birthday girl's request. She's been once before with my sister, but this will our first time taking her and also Toby's first visit to a zoo. It's been a long time coming - she had to miss the school trip to Paignton Zoo when she went into hospital back at the end of March 2011, and we've been meaning to go ever since. Hopefully it'll be worth the wait!!

Happy birthday Izzy!! As I've been saying to you all week (much to your amusement!), I still can't believe you're 6!!