
Saturday 2 June 2012

Goodbye House!

When I was younger and we went on family holidays, my Dad used to make us say "goodbye" at the end of our stay. "Goodbye hotel room, goodbye swimming pool, goodbye breakfast" etc. I thought it was very strange at the time, and still do now, but now a little teeny part of me is becoming more like him...eeek, must be getting old! ;-)

I wanted some photos to remember the house that we have lived in for the last two years. Plus it gave me motivation to get on with packing yesterday. And believe me, anything that helped me to actually do some packing is a very good thing! The dining room is currently full of a zillion boxes, so I haven't bothered photographed that, but here goes...

Goodbye sitting room...

Goodbye kitchen...

Goodbye bedroom...

Goodbye Izzy's room...

Goodbye Toby's room...

We will buy him some bedding of his own at some point!!!

Goodbye bathroom...

And the things I will especially miss:

Goodbye larder...

Sob! Even with the under stairs cupboard converted into a larder, I have no idea where I'm going to store all my food!!

Goodbye amazingly comfy sofas that I bought second hand from neighbours 6 years ago, I will really really miss you...

Sigh. Back in the early days when Izzy was a newborn I used to fall asleep on this before dragging myself to bed in the early hours! So, so comfy!

Right, soppy times over, coffee drunk, focusing on the positive now! This post hasn't been too soppy, to write at least, anyway - it has reminded me of the teletubbies more than anything "goodbye po, goodbye lala, goodbye dipsy" etc!!

Haha, time to stop writing nonsense and get moving - we have a whole house to shift! This time tomorrow I will be enjoying breakfast in my favourite room in the new our new kitchen! :)

Have a great Saturday everyone!


  1. :-) eeeek good luck with the final packing and the move itself xx

  2. Best of luck for the move - I hope everything goes well!


  3. Cant you get the sofa's through the windows??

    1. We possibly would've been able to but our landlord (aka my Mum) didn't want us to try! She had sofas already in the house which we could use anyway, which whilst not as comfy, do look better in the room. We managed to give our sofas to one of Liam's friends so glad they're still getting used! :)
