
Sunday 3 June 2012

Moving Day

Thanks for all your well wishes for our move! I'm pleased to say we ended up having lots of helpers (more than expected!) so it all went really smoothly :)

No more "house" photos today as a) there have been plenty of those on here recently, and b) most of the rooms are currently still full of boxes - we've unpacked lots but there's still lots more to go!

I thought I would post some photos from moving day though. From these photos, you'd be forgiven for thinking that we spent lots of time drinking tea and playing (!), but honestly we all worked really hard (everything was moved in by 3pm, way earlier than we'd expected!) but obviously when we were busy moving around furniture, boxes etc, I didn't have a hand free to hold a camera!!

So these are the more relaxed part of the day!

First up, breakfast! I was alone in the house at this stage. Liam had gone to collect the van, my Dad and sister took the children to Costa for breakfast, and I stayed at the house shifting boxes to make space for the furniture. I stopped part way through for some food, although there wasn't a lot of choice! Luckily I had my snack box already in the house, so I opened up a jar of Dark Chocolate Dreams...

and also had a Clif Mojo bar...

I ordered these from iHerb (must write a post about all my recent parcels/orders soon!) and love them! They are kind of a protein bar - they have 9g of protein in them - but they really taste more like a salty chocolatey tracker bar. I often don't like protein bars but you can't taste that these are protein at all.

When my Dad got back from Costa, he brought with him a parcel for me! We'd arrived at the house yesterday morning to a "sorry we missed you" card from a parcel being delivered the day before. So seeing as Dad was going into town anyway I asked him to pick it up for me as I was curious about what it was! It turned out to be a housewarming gift from Maria!!

Amazing! I do love receiving foodie parcels, definitely the best kind of gift!! ;-) Thank you so much Maria! :-D I love chai tea but haven't had the Pukka brand before, and I've never tried any of the bars or the spread before either, yum, they all look fab! I can't wait to try the Luna bar - I always read American blogs raving about them but have never had one before so it will be interesting to see what they are like! These items were the first things to go into my new "larder" and I can't wait to tuck into them soon! Thanks again Maria, so kind of you :)

After packing away the above food, and some of the other food I'd already brought over, Dad and I had a quick coffee...

...before the boys (Liam, his brother, his brother's friend and Liam's Dad) arrived with the first van load. They brought all the furniture in before going back to the old house for another load and me and my Dad stayed at the new house moving furniture and unpacking boxes as quickly as possible to make more space! My friend had the children for me during the morning and for lunch, and then they came back to the new house briefly in the afternoon...

We also stopped for lunch at this time - thanks to my sister for bringing it round to us! Egg mayo bap for me:

My Dad then took Izzy and Toby round to see his parents, the boys went back for one more van load, and then we were done, success!

The children were shattered when they got home but their beds still needed building (we had "issues" with Toby's cot so he ended up sleeping in the travel cot last night, but all sorted now!) and the TV wasn't working, so they crashed out on the sofa watching Horrid Henry on Liam's phone...!

Toby then went to bed and the rest of us had takeaway curry (traditional in a new home right?! Well, it is for us anyway!)

Mattar paneer (or cheese & peas as Izzy calls it, her favourite!), gobi bhaji, rice, naan & poppadom.

And with that, the day was almost over. We put Izzy to bed and then went to sleep ourselves soon after, ker-knackered!

Two more photos from the day...

Flowers from Mum - well, these were actually from this morning - she came round bright and early with flowers and croissants, thanks Mum! :)

Pretty, but difficult to photograph, flowers!!

and our new fridge magnets...

Here's hoping we stay in this house a lot longer than the others! We'd been in our last house for 2 years, but Liam's brother said that it felt like only 6 months since he'd last helped us with a move...I think we'll all be happy if we don't have to do a move again anytime soon!! :)

What have you all been up to this weekend? Favourite thing? The children have had a more eventful weekend than us - swimming lesson (Izzy), visit to friend's house, visit to Grandparents, then today out to the park/ice cream and a Jubilee street party. Liam and I, on the other hand, have only left the house today to go buy a freeview box from Tesco, the rest of the time has been spent unpacking boxes! It'll be worth it when the house is looking nice though :)