
Saturday 14 July 2012

London Day 3 - Wholefoods!

Well, a few days later than planned, but I finally have time to sit down and write about our third, and final, day in London. Izzy is at a birthday party and Toby is having a let's do this! :)

We woke up on our last day and quickly finished packing up our stuff. We had to be out of the hotel by 11am, but actually checked out at 9am - we were hungry for breakfast! We'd originally planned to lug our suitcases around London for the day, but when I checked our train tickets I realised that the train left at 4.30pm instead of the 3.30pm that was in my mind, so we decided to use the "extra" hour to leave our suitcases at the hotel and then come back for them - so much easier!

After we'd checked out we headed to the place I was most excited about - Wholefoods!! Only a 10-15 minute walk from our hotel...possibly one of the main reasons we'd stayed there ;)

We headed upstairs first for breakfast...

French toast with caramelised bananas and dark chocolate for Liam...

and French toast with caramelised apples, strawberries and pecans for me...

Plus coffee of course...after not having had a single coffee the day before, I happily slurped this iced coffee down even though it was unsweetened!

After we'd finished eating our delicious breakfast it was time to head downstairs...where I spent the next hour or so wandering around with my mouth wide open and lots of "wow"s being gasped!!!

Liam's favourite area!
Nut butter making machines!
Had to get some of these - I miss marshmallows!

So what did I end up buying? I was quite surprised actually - I was expecting to spend about twice what I did...I was obviously more restrained than I'd realised!!

Crispy things...

Raw cacao & cinnamon kale chips, tangy apple crisps, sweet apple crisps, pear crisps, sour cream & onion popchips (and also some BBQ ones for Liam) and 3 cheese Diva popcorn. So far I've eaten one of the bags of apple crisps, which I loved...

and the kale chips, which I didn't like at all. I was really disappointed about that as I love homemade kale chips and I've also had a cheesy version of that brand which I adored, but something about the savouriness of the kale trying to be sweet did not sit well with me! Izzy didn't like them either, but Toby still gobbled them up, albeit not with as much enthusiasm as he shows for my homemade ones!

I also bought some sweet bars etc...

Vegetarian marshmallows - coconut and vanilla, Booja Booja raspberry truffles (I was so happy to see these, been wanting to try them for ages!), Spiru-tein cookies & cream sachet (they didn't seem to have any sachets or tubs of the PB Swirl flavour, boo!), Luna bars - white chocolate macadamia & nutz over chocolate, Pulsin raw chocolate brownie (I've had these before but love them), Conscious goji & coconut raw chocolate and OmBar coconut raw chocolate.

I seem to have a bit of a mental block about eating my Wholefoods goodies - as once they're gone they're gone - so I haven't even tried the marshmallows yet (but have checked the dates, ha, no way I'm letting those go bad!!). I have eaten some of the Booja Booja raspberry truffles though. I'd tried to order these into my local store a while back, but I could only do it if I bought 3 boxes at once, which seemed a bit extortionate, so I'd been looking forward to trying these for a while...

Rich, velvety, strong raspberry flavour...totally delicious! I am very impressed at my self-restraint with these - they have to be kept in the fridge and I've only been eating one at a time. I think there are still about 3 (out of 8) left in the box!

The final Wholefoods purchase that I've photographed (although I'm sure there must have been other things that I've forgotten about...sorry!) was a slice of raw pumpkin pie. Liam bought a piece of toffee crisp cake to eat on the train, and I bought this but ended up saving it til the following day as I ended up buying too many different options for my "train food" as you'll see in a minute! This was a perfect way to try to combat the post-"holiday" blues anyway...

This was amazing! It didn't taste like traditional pumpkin pie - it was nowhere near as sweet for one thing - but it was so rich and creamy, I loved it! And seeing as I still have a dozen tins of pumpkin in my larder from last Autumn, I really have no excuse not to recreate it soon...!

Overall, I've been really pleased with my Wholefoods haul. Although I did get home and realised that I hadn't bought - or even, to be honest, noticed - any PB&Co nut butter - how did that happen??! Luckily I still have a jar of DCD from a recent American foods order!!

Right, back to the last day in London. After we'd finished our shopping, we went back upstairs for a juice before leaving Wholefoods. Liam had an orange, carrot and ginger juice...

and I chose a green smoothie which had spinach, pear, kiwi, apple, cucumber and lime in it...

This had great flavour but was a bit blender gets them smoother!

After our drinks, we caught the tube from Kensington to Oxford Street to do a bit of shopping. New clothes for Liam & then Selfridges food hall for me...!

I got my sushi fix for the train - I had sushi of some description every day that weekend!

And also macarons - this time a salted caramel one from Pierre Hermes (verdict: better than Laduree, but the Sunday market one was my favourite)...

We also got more fro yo - from Pinkberry...

I had salted caramel fro yo with cherries, crispy crepes and peanut butter crunch...divine!

We then made our way to Waterloo, and I did some last minute panic present shopping for Izzy (we'd already bought her some cute Red Riding Hood wooden book ends, but hadn't found any jewellery - her requested gift - so I ended up buying her some hair flowers from Accessorize instead) and spent some time in Starbucks whilst Liam went back to get the suitcases. I hadn't been to Starbucks all weekend, but desperately needed somewhere to sit down, and the fact that it also meant I had an iced chai latte and a cheese and mushroom croissant (can we call this late lunch at 3.30pm - fro yo alone is not enough!!) was an added bonus...

All too soon it was time to head home. The train was much more crowded on the way home so we had to share a table seat with someone else, but luckily he left the train before too long so I felt more comfortable about starting eating! I'd somehow ended up with 3 different dinners to eat on the train, all from Selfridges...

Sushi - avocado rolls and omelette...

Spanish - avocado salad and vegetable tortilla...

and a huge salad from Chop'd (also in Selfridges)...

This place was fab - you chose your base (green leaves and potato for me), 3 "basic" ingredients (I got egg, cooked beetroot and sweetcorn), one deli ingredient (falafel), and then you could also add a dressing and seeds, so I chose sunflower seeds and mango dressing. They then mixed it all up for you, although you could choose to have the dressing separately which I should have done really as I didn't eat this until near the end of the train journey. Still crunchy and tasty though! You could add more ingredients to your salad too if you wanted, for extra cost, but even the standard option had plenty of choice. I was ready for some vegetables by this point!

We got back home just in time to say goodnight to the children (Liam's Mum was in the process of putting them to bed when we walked in) which was nice, they were so excited to see us which made the end of the weekend away slightly more bearable!! ;-D

Phew, end of post! It was such a fantastic weekend, I hadn't been to London in over 10 years before this time, but we definitely don't want to leave it so long again until our next visit! I've also already started making a list of things I'm hoping Dad will buy me in Wholefoods for my Christmas present (!!), the raspberry Booja Booja truffles are top of the list, mmm!

Have you ever been to Wholefoods? What things would be top of your list to buy? I was most excited about finding the Booja Booja truffles and vegetarian marshmallows, but I also loved all the snack bars - so many to choose from!! I was tempted to get a Wholefoods "box" from the salad/hot bar, but as we were there at 10am and I knew we'd be going to Selfridges food hall at a more food-appropriate time, I resisted. Liam wanted to try the wine! It was quite cool - you could buy a glass of various sizes in store, to try before you chose to buy a bottle, or just as a drink I suppose. I just completely bypassed that area as I don't like wine, but Liam called me back to show me!


  1. It looks like you had a fantastic time :) I have only been to the little Wholefoods in London, which is tiny. We keep meaning to go there (one time Andy was going to surprise me with a trip there before we met with friends, but our train took too long so we didn't go there). We always visit them when we go to the USA though because of the hot food bar - so much cheaper and tastier than eating out a lot of the time. Those raspberry truffles look amazing- I love Booja stuff and that is one of the best flavours I think.

  2. So much amazing food-jealous! I most definitely need a Wholefoods trip!

  3. To be honest I found Whole Foods totally overwhleming - there were too many amazing things and I wanted to try them all at once. I do not possess your level of restraint! Really, I needed a week in there just to establish what I really wanted :/


  4. Love wholefoods. I will definitely be making a trip when I am in London for the Olympics next month! I tried the peanut butter inspiral raw tart last time, it was amazing, but so rich it took me 3 days to eat! The pumpkin one looks good though. Great whole foods haul!

  5. I went to Wholefoods last October, and I'm thinking its time to try and arrange another trip! Those raspbery booja booja truffles are my favs!

  6. This looks pretty much exactly like my trips to London. I am going there next week and I will definitely be spending a couple of hours in Whole Foods - that place is amazing.

    it looks like you had a great trip!
