
Sunday 15 July 2012

A Week of Food...

Hello! Have you all had lovely weekends? It's been a good one here - a bit of shopping, a bit of sunbathing and lots of food! As it took me so long to write up my London posts, I've got a bit of a back-log of food photos on my camera, so these are my food highlights from the last week, apologies if the post ends up being quite random!!

A week ago I got a sudden craving for "Sunday roast" - even though I have never cooked a roast in my life! Best part of roast is the yorkshire puddings anyway, and meat-free burgers rounded out the meal!

The maple "roast" carrots were practically raw, oops, but it was still good!

My current favourite smoothie = frozen banana, almond milk and spiced chai powder...simple but delicious :)

A few weeks ago, Izzy went through a phase of clinging on to me when we got to school in the mornings, and bursting into tears when I finally managed to leave the classroom. There was no reason for her tears, I think it just became habit. Luckily a simple smiley-face chart sorted things out...

She now has 3 weeks full of smiley faces, and we have watched Enchanted every day since we bought it last weekend (Patrick Dempsey, swoon!!!)...looking forward to her next "gift day" as it will be the summer holidays, yey, 5 mornings to go!!

This is our current fridge door, thanks to recent purchases...

We switched to organic milk a couple of months ago, but I have started using almond milk in my smoothies, porridge etc...just can't quite give up cows milk when it comes to hot drinks...any non-dairy milks that definitely don't have the curdle factor?? And water filter = last week's purchase - even though this house is only round the corner from our old house, the water is totally different and foamy/full of grit, so a water filter was a necessary purchase...boring but essential!

I have been loving the summer fruit lately - lots of berries and nectarines have been eaten in this house. Mainly as they are, but also strawberries & stinky cheese on toast...

and Rachel's vanilla yoghurt with raspberries and crumbled biscuits as a late night post-body pump snack...

I've also received some lovely things in the post. After seeing Tamzin's post about coconut manna, I googled it and came across Vit Shop's website...

It is just the same as coconut butter but a lot cheaper...great find, thanks for the heads up Tamzin!

I also received a surprise parcel from sweet, this brightened up my Monday morning! :)

I had the chocolate peppermint Luna bar before spin on Tuesday...

Really tasty and I love the speckled back...

Thanks again Maria! :)

On Friday, I managed to persuade Toby to sit in his pushchair long enough to go into town (much harder than it should be at the moment!!) and we went down to the one-day French market that was happening near the seafront...

I came home with a box of expensive, but delicious, it!

I tried to show some self-restraint by only having half a piece at a time to start with, but the whole box had somehow "disappeared" within 24 hours of buying them! ;)

I went into Exeter today with my Mum and sister. We had brunch at the same place we went to on my birthday. Mum and I shared the vegetarian cooked breakfast, same as last time, and also the french toast which came with fresh fruit, maple syrup and walnut yoghurt...both delicious!

We also did a bit of shopping. I managed to pick up some new flip flops and also some black trainers for normal day-to-day wear. I still need to buy some new gym trainers but all the sports shop stopped at women size 8, and I need more like a 9 in trainers, so I couldn't find any I liked - I had shoe envy for all the pretty purple ones so none of the men's ones seemed as appealing! Plus even the mens' trainers that were long enough for me were still too narrow, boo, I think I might need to order them online so that I can buy ones that are sized by width too. Big, wide, flat feet = shoe shopping nightmare!!

And finally, in this very random post, I tried some of the vegetarian marshmallows I bought in Wholefoods this evening. They're not as chewy as gelatine marshmallows, but they are light and fluffy, and melt in the mouth!

I've made sure to save some to have toasted, and possibly even make smores - whenever I see smore-like recipes pop on blogs I wish I had access to vegetarian marshmallows, so I should really make the most of it!

Any random highlights from your week/weekend to share? What is the best thing you've eaten lately? Despite not appearing in the above photos, one of the best things I've eaten is lots and lots of asparagus - I've got through about 3 bunches this week, roasted and then topped with either poached eggs or halloumi, delicious! This evening's dinner was also amazing - white & sweet potato wedges baked with smoked paprika and topped with fried eggs...unfortunately the eggs broke as I was serving up, so I didn't take any photos, but the taste was still fantastic!


  1. That smiley face chart is such a good idea- I think at this time of year children get tired, and also a bit worried about moving on to their new classes (even if they know the teachers really well I think they worry about the other changes that go on too)- I would love to watch Enchanted too :)
    I have been loving persimmons recently (sharon fruit)- they have been cheap in Asda so I keep having them. Oh, and in M&S I bought a bag of giant salted chocolate coated peanuts- they are amazing! :)

  2. As you eat eggs you could try making your own marshmallows. I think you use agar instead of gelatin. I really want to try making them but don't have a decent mixer.

  3. I'm the same as you with milk. I've been using kara milk in oats and smoothies, but need cows milk in tea!

  4. The stuff from the market looks great! I love local pop-up markets.

  5. Also I was going to say that I find Kara coconut milk and also that Almond Breeze (and the alpro almond milk) fine in tea. I do tend to add it after the tea has brewed for a bit, so it won't be boiling water any more, but I have found it OK. Whereas the ecomil almond milk always curdles. I think the Alpro soya light stuff was fine too off the top of my head. Maybe just add it after a minute so the water isn't boiling any more? Only if you don't want the cows milk of course.

  6. Can't wait to try and get my hands on some of that unsweetned almond milk when I am back in the UK! I bought a water filter last week also! My weekend was unexciting as I worked the whole of it, although I did get 2 great very early morning workouts in, including a beatiful hour trail run on saturday morning.

  7. I put almond milk in my tea and it does change the taste to be almost like a different drink, but I quite enjoy it. All that food looks so yummy!

  8. I've found almond milk doesn't curdle in my tea, I really love the taste of it, too!
