
Saturday 20 October 2012

Delicious Dinner

…made even more perfect by the fact that I didn’t have to cook it!

Red cabbage with apple (and chopped veggie sausages added at the end), honey roasted carrots, and yorkshire puddings…

Hate the rubbish lighting, this food deserved better photos!!

Even Toby, who has been a bit "picky" lately, gobbled up the red cabbage with a smile!


Followed by apple crumble that Liam made with the children this afternoon, topped with lots of custard of course!


Liam even cleared up the kitchen during the 30 minute wait between courses, while I snuggled on the sofa with the children…

photo (100)

Amazing, thanks Liam! Open-mouthed smile

What are you all up to this weekend? Any exciting plans? We are having a quiet one here to recover from a hectic week. The children managed to skip the stomach bug thankfully, but we are still all shattered…only 4 more school days until half term, I cannot wait!


  1. Your kids are so adorable! There is something about not having to cook dinner yourself that just makes it so enjoyable :)

  2. I love to see kids eating veggies like that. Love red cabbage and may have to give that a go :)

  3. So pleased the kiddos skipped the bug; we can't wait to get to half term as well just 1 school trip to get through :-)

  4. Glad that they didn't catch the bug- there are loads going around at the moment.
    I am sooooo looking forward to half term- just 2 parents evenings to get through first, then I can relax :) (I had a weekend mainly filled with work, although I did manage a trip to the waffle house)
