
Saturday 13 October 2012

Jordans Granola Giveaway WINNER

Really quick post from me this evening as we are suffering from a stomach bug in the Porridge & Parsnips’ household at the moment. I came down with it on Wednesday but luckily felt so much better after just 12 hours, and just spent Thursday feeling shaky due to not having eaten much on Wednesday. (Liam, however, managed to – for the first time ever – accidentally take the car keys with him to work on Thursday, which meant that on a day when I really wanted to get home quickly to eat breakfast, I had to do the school run – in the pouring rain – on foot…but that’s a whole other rant!!!!! Winking smile)

Today Liam has come down with the bug so I'm hoping he, too, will feel better soon - it seems to be a 24 hours max kind of thing. I am currently crossing my fingers that the children don’t come down with it. Sadly I don't think that's a particularly realistic hope as the bug has already swept through most of our school’s community. I hate seeing them feel ill…plus clearing up after them is definitely one of the less pleasant aspects of being a parent!!

Izzy did make me, kind of, laugh on Wednesday – just before she went to bed she asked if I’d had a good day. I replied not really, as I’d felt (and at that time was still feeling) really ill…but she just would not accept my answer. She eventually said “no, you’re not listening properly – did you have a nice day when you had a nap and a bath [while Toby napped]” and I said that no, I’d only had those things to try to make me feel better etc etc. She just could not accept that I could have one day when I wasn’t happy!!! Bless her, I think she found it quite strange seeing me poorly as normally I manage to avoid bugs even when the others get them, but at the time it was quite frustrating to have to justify to a 6 year-old that I hadn’t had a brilliant day whilst being ill…I probably should have just said yes for an easy life!!!

Anyway, moving on to more pleasant things…it’s time to announce the winner of a bag of Jordans Super Fruity Granola plus a box of their nut bars…


And the winner is…

Giveaway Result

Winning Comment

Congratulations Lara!! Please email me at with your delivery information. Thanks to everyone else who entered as well, I really enjoyed reading all your favourite breakfasts.

Right, that is me done. I hope to back soon with a proper post, I have lots to share with you all, just no energy to actually share it. Hope everyone’s having a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the kids manage to stay bug free, there's so much going around at the moment; and I'm in the firing line for it all at work!
