
Thursday 4 October 2012

Giveaway Time! Jordans Granola & Nut Bars

Well, as I promised you yesterday – it is time for a giveaway! Especially helpful if, like me, you need a little help with eating healthier breakfasts. Sometimes I just don’t have the time or the energy in the mornings to make some of the more “fancy” breakfasts that I love, and instead want something that takes less time without compromising on taste. When that happens I turn to an old favourite – cereal.

Jordans are one of my favourite brands when it comes to breakfast cereals – I love all of their granolas, especially the tropical fruits – perfect for when you are wanting to pretend you are eating breakfast on a beach somewhere, despite the cold British weather outside! I’m also a big fan of their mueslis and crisp cereals, so when I was contacted to see if I’d like to offer my readers a giveaway of some of their newer products, I jumped at the chance!

Jordans are offering to send one of you a pack of Super Fruity Granola

and also a box of Absolute Nut Luxury Bars which sound perfect if you need a “to-go” breakfast option…
To enter the giveaway please do one or more of the following. Each one counts as an entry so please leave a separate comment for each:
  • Leave a comment on this post with your favourite breakfast ideas
  • Like my Facebook page
  • Follow me on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway
  • Link back to this giveaway on your own blog
Don’t forget to leave a separate comment for each of the above actions to let me know that you have done them, I’d hate to miss any entries! This giveaway is open to UK residents only (sorry to all my International readers!) and will close at midnight on Wednesday 10th October. Good luck everyone!


  1. i love cereal, but when I want a change, I enjoy banana, natural yogurt & honey sprinkled with mixed seeds

  2. I'm following you on twitter @hoops120

  3. Oooh breakfast ideas. I've just stewed up a big pan of peaches and plums to keep in the fridge and stir into porridge each day. I tend to just have porridge every day but with a varied topping so it might be nice to have a change with some granola. I bet it's yummy with warm milk!

  4. My current favourite breakfast involves muffins and scrambled eggs :-)

  5. I already follow on facebook as Princess Goddess Mommy ;-)

  6. I already follow on twitter as P_GoddessMommy ;-)
    ... I stalk you basically heeheehee

  7. For breakfast I love anything involving eggs, I think poached eggs are my favourite :) I'd love to try jordan's granola - I always look at it in the supermarket but never buy it because it's pretty pricey!

  8. I've liked your facebook page (Rebecca Sheehy)

  9. I've followed you on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway (@rebeccasheehy)

    PS. Love your blog!

  10. Currently I'm enjoying a slice of egg and roasted tomato bake (which I froze in portions at the weekend) for easy breakfasts at work but am often having a bowl of hot oats for a bedtime snack in these chilly Autumnal evenings. I love to microwave granola in almond milk, it goes all steamy and yum- a real weekend treat :)

  11. Woohoo another one that doesn't have raisins in it. Cereal companies are obsessed with bloomin raisins and I hate them!

    I like making mini quiches in muffin tins. They take a few seconds to heat up and you can make so many different variations.

  12. I also liked your facebook page :-)

  13. I love porridge, nothing more comforting on a cold, dark morning! I like making buckwheat bowls too, and you can't go wrong with a green smoothie!

  14. My favourite breakfasts are usually just random things thrown together. I like to start with a base of 0% greek yoghurt and then throw on some fresh fruit and/or cereal or granola, dried fruit, nuts, a spoonful of PB or jam... whatever takes my fancy really. I almost always add a generous sprinkling of cinnamon to whatever I have as I'm addicted to it! For savoury breakfasts it's got to be scrambled eggs on toast with jam and lots of black pepper. Eggs and jam are a match made in heaven!

  15. I've just liked your facebook page :)

  16. I tweeted about the giveaway also :)

  17. Ooh I'd love to win these, I love Jordans but it's too expensive for a poor student! Possibly because I have been known to eat the bag in a few days....

  18. I have liked your facebook page aswell as sharing your post about the giveaway :)

  19. I have also posted on my own blog about your wonderful giveway

  20. My favourite breakfast on all time in a big bowl of porridge with honey and either a chopped apple or raisins Yumm, yum

    My other favourites include:
    -weetabix soaked in warm milk, great from the winter
    -The good old classic beans on toast.
    -Crumpets with jam.
    -A mixture of lots of different cereal- 1/2 cheerios, 1/2 rice krispies with either yogurt or milk.

    1. OMG your favourites are all my favourites :) Childhood memories...

      -Weetabix with ice-cold milk and a little white sugar sprinkled on it in summer or with hot milk like you said in winter
      -Readybrek which my harrassed mother would not mix properly so it was really runny but there were still lumps of 'dust' in it!!! Weirdly nice- maybe that's nostalgia talking. Child of the 80s.
      -Porridge served on a plate so it cooled down quickly, with a tiny sprinkle of brown sugar and a 'moat' of milk around the edge :)
      -Dry cereal eaten from a bowl whilst lying wrapped in a duvet on the floor watching cartoons at 6AM on a Saturday ;)

  21. I love Porridge oats with dark chocolate and peanut butter :) which I just add hot water too

  22. I am an oat addict so my 2 alternate day breakfasts are porridge with mashed banana topped with natural yogurt, blueberries and a spoonful of peanut butter, OR oat pancakes made with oats, an egg, a mashed banana, a tiny bit of milk and a pinch of cinnamon, then pour into a small frying pan to make a pancake! Again, top with whatever you fancy! Gorgeous!!

  23. Custom Boxes World is offering Custom Cereal boxes in UK.Cereal boxes are specialized packaging solutions designed to hold and display cereal products. We can offer free shipping and fastest turnaround time all over the UK.
