
Wednesday 3 October 2012

WIAW - healthier breakfasts needed!!

Hello! Happy What I Ate Wednesday!

I have finally remembered to take photos of a whole day so that I can take part in WIAW this week. These are my eats from Monday, no spooky snacks were eaten unfortunately, but I did talk about Halloween treats yesterday bizarrely, so check out that post if you've already started making plans for the end of the month!!

I have been trying to get back into eating breakfast – it used to be my favourite meal of the day, but recently I’ve only “had time” to eat it at weekends Sad smile On Monday I managed a bowl of Curiously Cinnamon – not quite a healthy breakfast, but I guess it’s a start!


If, like me, you need help eating a healthy breakfast, come back to the blog tomorrow…I have a giveaway that might be perfect for you! Smile

Same as yesterday, I had some baking to do on Monday…this time for my Mum. Gingerbread loaf topped with lemon icing…there was some leftover icing so I spread it onto a couple of biscuits for a snacky treat about 11.30am…


Delicious, but it did mess up my eating schedule for the rest of the day as I was too full for my planned lunch! This is the cake I gave my Mum anyway – apparently it went down well! Smile


Instead of a proper lunch, I ended up eating three toasted teacakes, spread over the space of a couple of hours. The first with real butter…


But then the next two with spread (I’d given up photographing them by the 3rd!) as the butter was unsalted – good for baking, but not for flavour! I love toasted teacakes, but I proved to myself that I really can’t trust myself to keep these in the house – think I need to keep these as a Costa treat in future!!


I had Body Pump on Monday evening, and my pre-exercise snack ended up being 4 squares of this new-to-me chocolate…


Love the coconut in this, so good!

Body Pump was a bit different this week. My usual instructor is on holiday in Florida for two weeks (lucky him!) so the class was taken by a different instructor. She isn’t Les Mills trained so it was just her own weights routine, and to be honest it reminded me of aerobics with a bit of weights thrown in! Not brilliant, but better than nothing. My Tuesday and Friday classes that I also usually have with the instructor who is on holiday have been cancelled this week because they haven’t managed to arrange any cover, and it looks like next Friday’s will be too, boo, I really need to find replacements rather than not exercising at all as I did yesterday!! Embarrassed smile

After Body Pump I made a quick dinner of raw courgette using my new julienne peeler…


Topped with a quick “ratatouille” – just roasted peppers mixed with passata and sweetcorn, and then topped with nutritional yeast…


This was really good, the courgettes worked really well as a noodle replacement (and a way to get extra veggies in after eating none until dinner!!), although next time I would warm the courgette first – I ended up zapping this in the microwave halfway through as the cold courgette cooled the sauce down too quickly!!

For dessert, I ate two of Maria’s pb crispy squares, divine! Ignore the markings on the fudge topping – I ate these straight from the freezer!!


How do you deal with your exercise routine unexpectedly changing? Do you find new ways to fit in exercise, or do you take an extra rest day? & have any of you tried a class like Cardio Attack? (I'm guessing it might be a non Les Mills version of Body Attack...) I normally take a different class instead – when the Tuesday spin class was cancelled a couple of weeks ago I went to a Total Body Workout class that is on at the same time. However, a) I didn’t really enjoy that replacement class, and b) I had a million things to do last night so was quite glad for an extra evening at home. I really need to find a different class to go to on Friday though – my little sister looks after the children so that I can go to my normal body pump class, so can’t waste an offer of childcare!! Winking smile I don’t really enjoy going to the gym on my own anymore – I definitely prefer classes – there is Cardio Attack at one of the gyms on Friday, a bit later than my usual class but still do-able for a week or two so I might give that a go! Would love to hear any experiences of it though as I'm a bit nervous of going to a class with absolutely no idea of what to expect!!


  1. I have nooo qualms about taking an extra rest day =D I know my body can always use it!

    1. I already give my body 3 rest days a week but the extra one is always welcome, I'm just a bit worried that as my instructor is on hol for 2 weeks I'm going to end up missing more classes than not!

  2. Mm, I have a fierce addiction to Cinnamon Grahams (and the Strawberry ones!) x

    1. Oooh, I strawberry ones in the shops but wasn't sure about them, good to know you love them! :)

  3. oh my goodness I want your dinner, your cake, and the thing at the bottom, they all look so darn good!

  4. That ginger cake looks amazing :) And yum to the teacakes too- in fact yum to it all :)
    I bought that chocolate when it was on offer a while back and love it- the coconut flavour really comes through- yummy.
    I much prefer classes to the gym- I used to be a member and go to the gym a bit, but never really did that much- but in classes I feel like I have actually done a workout- I don't think I am that good at pushing myself. I have tried a few classes- some were good, and some not so good (one with a friend and it was awful- really weird moves- sort of toning stuff but not really- but we just laugh about that)- so really try them out and if you don't like them then you have spent an hour learning that you don't like it, and also earning some cake :) x

  5. Oh. I want a julienne peeler so bad! Ever since I saw OhSheGlow's spiralized vegetable pasta I had to have one!! HUMPH.

  6. Oh it all looks so good!! Toasted teacake is such a comforting food mm.

  7. I couldn't function without breakfast, I'm usually starving when I wake up, so food is the first thing I do in the morning! I'm into oats or smoothies at the minute.

  8. Those teacakes make me homesick! We used to sit and eat several as well. Lovely eats. Must try the julienne courgette!

  9. Your dinner looks delicious!!!

  10. Oh wow - ginger cake is my favourite! I had some ginger cake with a lemon frosting the other day - it was delicious.
