Sunday, 11 March 2012

Family Brunch + Lambing Sunday

I can't believe the weekend is over already! Although having said that, we're all exhausted after a busy couple of days here, so maybe we need the week to recover! ;)

Today started with a brunch at my Mum's house. Her brother and his partner were visiting so they and my Grandma also came over to share the meal. I made some banana muffins an hour before we went over to take with us. I haven't made muffins in a while and had almost forgotten how easy they are, delicious too!

I also brought a mango to go with the pineapple and grapes Mum used to make up this lovely platter...

Mmm, I love fresh fruit so much...

As the cooked food wasn't quite ready yet, we all started with fruit and muffins. This was my main plate really anyway...

and then when everyone else had traditional fry-up food, I had a couple of scrambled eggs and some cooked mushrooms. The food looks rather lonely on this plate, but I added some ketchup after the photo and it was delicious!

My Grandma wanted me to take a photo of the chefs hard at Uncle Richard was in charge of the fried eggs, Colin was doing scrambled eggs, mushrooms and baked beans, and my Mum was sorting out everything else!

After we'd all finished eating we stayed for a bit longer chatting. Not many photos were taken, but I did just find this photo of Izzy that I took - so beautiful! :)

We only stayed at my Mum's for a couple of hours as we had somewhere else we had to be - Lambing Sunday! It's an event the local(ish) agricultural college put on every year, but this was the first time we'd been. I hadn't realised it was going to be a cash only place until we got there and saw signs to "get your money ready" yikes! We gathered up all our change and managed to get to £11.60, when our entrance should have been £13. Luckily the college students in charge of the car park let us get away without paying the extra £1.40 (thank you, we were so relieved not have to drive all the way home!) but it did mean we didn't have any change to buy things like animal balloons, face paints etc...probably a good thing really!! Instead we saw lots of animals.


and multi-coloured sheep (!?!)...

Izzy thought these were very cool!

and then a tractor/trailer ride...

Waving at the people walking past! see more sheep! Well, lambs really. The main purpose of the day out. Izzy had been hoping to feed a lamb with a bottle of milk, but unfortunately they'd all already been fed, so she and Toby made do with lots of cuddles and stroking instead!

Just in case you think I wasn't there, a random photo with me in it as well...!

When Liam has the camera, he tends to take photos of scenery rather than people, but I persuaded him to take this one before the children got completely overtired! We all had a really good day, and considering Izzy usually has afternoon naps at the weekend and Toby had been having 3 hour naps every afternoon since I took him to the creche on Tuesday (and always naps for at least 1.5-2 hours anyway), I'm very impressed that they both managed so well nap-free!

Have you ever been to a "lambing day"? We live in the South-West now, so definitely farm territory, but even growing up in Surrey I remember going to a farm to see baby lambs at this time of year. The ride on the trailer with hay bales is the part that most sticks in my mind, so I was pleased to see similar here today!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like such a perfect way to spend a day- those muffins and fresh fruit look lovely, and those farms are always fun too (I agree, cool coloured sheep!)- we have a farm near us which I have been with friends and their children- they do tractor rides (which is rather hilarious/ offensive because the tractor has a very strong west country accent!) and sheep shearing etc too. But I have never been there for lambing.


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